What's the meaning of ParcelPanel shipment status?

ParcelPanel Tracking system uses big data to identify shipment status and sub-status from carrier tracking details. ParcelPanel currently supports 9 shipment statuses and 30 shipment sub-statuses.

IconShipment statusShipment sub-statusDescription
PendingFulfilledThe shipment has been fulfilled in Shopify but no tracking details are available
UnfulfilledThe shipment has not been fulfilled in Shopify
Info ReceivedInfo receivedInfo receivedThe carrier received a shipping request and is about to pick up the shipment
In TransitIn transitIn transitThe shipment is on its way
Picked up by carrierThe carrier has collected the shipment from the sender
Arrived at sorting facilityThe shipment has arrived at a hub or sorting center
Customs clearance completedCustoms clearance completed
Departed from airportThe shipment has left the airport and is en route to the next destination
Arrived at destination countryThe shipment has arrived at the destination country
Arrived at local facilityThe shipment has arrived at a local distribution center
Out for DeliveryOut for deliveryOut for deliveryThe shipment is out for delivery
Contacted before final deliveryThe customer is contacted before the final delivery
Ready for pickupReady for pickupReady for pickupThe shipment is available for the customer to collect from a pickup location
DeliveredDeliveredDeliveredShipment delivered successfully
Picked up by customerShipment picked up by the customer
Signed by customerShipment delivered and signed by the customer
Delivered to doorstepThe shipment was left at the doorstep or with the neighbor
ExceptionExceptionExceptionOther exceptions
UnclaimedThe shipment is unclaimed
Retained by customsThe shipment was retained by customs
Shipment damaged or lostThe shipment was damaged or lost
Shipment canceledThe shipment was canceled
Refused by customerThe customer has refused to accept the shipment
Returned to senderThe shipment has been successfully returned to the sender
Returning to senderThe shipment is being returned to the sender
Failed AttemptFailed attemptFailed attemptThe carrier attempted delivery but failed due to some reasons
Invalid addressThe delivery failed due to address-related issues
Customer not availableThe delivery failed because the customer was not available
Failed to contactThe delivery failed because the customer was unable to contact
ExpiredExpiredExpiredTracking details have not been updated for 30 days

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