This is an analysis of ParcelPanel shipping notifications performance, including delivered, opened, clicked, marketing conversions, and more.
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Shipping notifications: the total number of shipping notifications sent, including sent to customers and yourself.
Recipients: the number of recipients for shipping notifications.
Conversion orders: orders attributed to all marketing and discount channels of ParcelPanel's shipping notifications.
Conversion revenue: revenue attributed to all marketing and discount channels of ParcelPanel's shipping notifications.
Shipping notifications over time: it shows how shipping notifications change over time.
Delivered: the number and percentage of delivered emails.
Opened: the number and percentage of opened emails.
Clicked: the number and percentage of clicked emails.
Marketing clicks: it shows how marketing clicks change over time.
Marketing CTR: marketing clicks divided by opened shipping notifications.
Conversion orders: orders attributed to all marketing channels of ParcelPanel's shipping notifications.
Conversion revenue: revenue attributed to all marketing channels of ParcelPanel's shipping notifications.
Export CSV: export the conversion order data on this marketing channel to a CSV file based on the filters you have applied.
Discount upsell: it shows conversion details attributed to the discount channel of ParcelPanel's shipping notifications.
Export CSV: export the conversion order data on this marketing channel to a CSV file based on the filters you have applied.
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