If you encounter an error message stating "Could Not Find Order" when tracking an order on the tracking page, follow these instructions to resolve it.
Step 1
Ensure there is no confusion between the Order Number and the Tracking Number.
For example, YT2016921266082880 is the Tracking Number, not the Order Number.
Step 2
Verify that the Order Number, Email or phone number, or Tracking Number is correct.
Step 3
Check if this order has been synced to ParcelPanel, as this is the most common reason for this issue. Search for the order in your ParcelPanel admin. If it says "No data found," it means that this order hasn't been synced to ParcelPanel.
But why hasn't your order been synced to ParcelPanel?
Typically, there are two possible reasons:
Reason 1: You have exceeded all your quota, so your orders cannot be synced to ParcelPanel anymore. Please consider upgrading your plan.
Reason 2: The order date is outside the sync time. Please double-check this carefully. The default sync time is the last 30 days, but you can adjust it as needed, as shown in the image below.
Step 4
Ensure that you have added a tracking number to this order.
If not, follow this article to solve the issue: Why are my orders on Pending status?
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